
Ellipsis Design Group

Palatine, IL 60067

Innovative Management and Leadership Programs . . .

Management and Leadership development are no doubt at the top of your list of company priorities. We show you how to maximize your investment with this important strategy and assist you in building a solid program. We work with you to build a strategy, not a series of courses. How we make our recommendations will be decided on what best fits your business and will demonstrate to your commitment to your employee’s growth and development. In addition to our customized learning and development services, we partner with several institutions and affiliates worldwide to ensure that you benefit from the best management and leadership content available.

Organizational Learning And Employee Development Strategy . . .

Political, economic, and market forces drive today’s organizations and there is intense pressure to perform. Successful organizations become and stay that way because they understand the importance of strategic direction and define and document their business objectives. To that end, companies find that an intentional and well-thought plan for employee development across the organization is central to their success. A sound organizational development strategy is a powerful tool for improving organizational and employee performance and effectiveness and ensures that learning investments (among other key employee strategies) are directed at the most important business priorities.

Our approach is to work with your executive or management team (and other stakeholders) to build of an organizational learning and development strategy that is clear and effective in addressing your business strategy while positively impacting your business objectives.

Professional Development Planning . . .

When was the last time you gave yourself the time and space to reflect on your professional development?

This one-to-one service provides your employees with the opportunity to look at their current situation in a systematic way with the benefit of unbiased counsel. The PDP service provides employees with insight and information about external training and professional development opportunities related to your role or industry and include strategies that will help them to get to the next level in your company.

We currently have PDP (Professional Development Planning) sessions that last at least one hour, up to four hours, depending upon need. Call us today to assist with helping your employees get the most out of their professional development.

Team-Based Learning and Workplace Integration . . .

Knowledge is no longer enough. Team-Based Learning and Workplace Integration is a very structured methodology for in-class facilitation. It is not adding teamwork to an existing course but a way to re-configure and deliver a course so that everyone on the team is on the same page and uses the information, tools, and strategies in a way that helps them make the most out of your investment in their learning.

The primary objective of this strategy shifts the content from having participants learn and solve problems using the course content independently. We help you take the content of any course and customize it to include the priorities that are important to your business. The strategy has a series of instructional steps that synergize for a powerful effect on team learning. Rather than use generic activities and examples, we propose that each important skill that is learned is done with team application activities. These activities occupy most of the in-class time and integrate the learning to real problems, issues, and tactics they must tackle in your business. Contact us and let’s discuss how you can increase your ROI for every major workshop, seminar, or course you want your employees to attend.

Creativity and Innovation Workshops. . .

Ellipsis Design Group has partnered with the “ SolutionMan*,” Gerald Haman to bring you one of the most innovative and creative two-day workshops for increasing your employee’s approach to creativity and innovation. Gerald has personally trained hundreds of companies worldwide using creative and practical innovation tools. Each workshop is customized to your needs and builds on helps you solve REAL problems, issues, and challenges facing your company. These workshops are often hosted at the ThinkubatorTM,, but we can host them at your site. We work with SolutionPeopleTM, Inc. to make this learning experience not only a memorable one, but one where you walk away with hundreds if not thousands of actionable ideas. We collaborate with you so your initiative is central to why your employees are attending the workshop in the first place. So, find out how this innovative approach can give you the best Return on Ideas (ROI).

Diversity and Inclusion Initiatives . . .

Diversity and Inclusion is not an event. Diversity and Inclusion is not a training course. Diversity and Inclusion are strategies that can mean big profits to your business. We don’t use a canned approach. We help you build a strategy that best fits how you want to implement Diversity and Inclusion in your business. Contact us for a no obligation phone consultation to find out how we can help you get Diversity and Inclusion working in your business today.

Creative Media Design for Print, Web, .PDF, Video, And Podcasts . . .

Ellipsis Design Group is your source for creative media design. We can assist you if you want to use print, e-learning, web-based, .pdf, or podcasts to communicate your message. Need any ideas for a creative way to package your information? Let us design the right solution for you. We’ll take your concept and give it wings or create one from scratch.